Catching Up with Lisa Wimberger, for Many Voices

My primary area of interest over the last couple of years has been the relationship between meditation practices and measurable brain change. I have recorded programs on positive neuroplasticity with authors such as Daniel Siegel, Rick Hanson, Richard Mendius, and Andrew Newberg, and late last year I recorded two products with someone I believe will soon be considered another major voice in this area—Lisa Wimberger—creator of the Neurosculpting® and founder of the Neurosculpting Institute. News that Lisa was hosting a free online interview series on the intersection of science and meditation practice gave me an opportunity to check in with Lisa on what she’s been working on since our recording.

Q: I see you’re hosting a new free luncheon learning series. What can people expect who sign up for your program?

A: In our free Live Lunch Talks we will be having conversations with experts in their respective fields regarding the increasingly important role of meditation and Neurosculpting. We are excited that this series will help bridge important social gaps in industries that need meditation but may not regularly be associated with practices and techniques.

Our next episode on January 15th will feature special guest Dr. Fred Grover, who will speak about the role of meditation in Western medicine, anti-aging protocol, and with veterans suffering from PTSD. We plan on having guests across many genres over the next few months as we strive to make this topic a regular lunchtime discussion. Those interested in signing up can go to the events page of our website ( and click on the specific event of interest.

Q: What are you working on these days?

A: I’m juggling a bunch of exciting projects right now. I’m so happy to note that the Institute just received a grant from the Give Back Yoga Foundation to fund our online series of Neurosculpting for Officers. We’ll be offering a once-a-quarter live stream training open to any and all law enforcement agencies across the nation at no cost to them. We’ll be offering pre- and post-surveys to help track the benefit of these services.

I’m also working on creating an online academy portion of the Institute so that very soon people can have full and robust classes and learning plans at the click of a button. We are launching our deeper dive immersions this year, adding on a few more intensives so that those steeped in the modality can go even deeper. This past year we certified 24 Neurosculpting coaches who can teach the introductory curriculum across the globe, so I am really busy supporting their growth and development.

Q: What’s the most exciting fact you’ve learned recently about positive brain change?

A: I’m really excited to see recent studies coming from Dr. Richard Davidson just this month empirically showing data that correlates meditation practices to the reduction of inflammation markers in the blood and the activity of inflammation genes as well. It’s wonderful that science is now supporting and corroborating the benefits of a daily meditation practice for those of us who want proof of its efficacy.

Q: Do you have a Neurosculpting technique you can teach us that we can put to use today to begin to improve our brain functioning?

A: One simple Neurosculpting technique—which is my favorite—that you can use right now is to increase activity across the hemispheres of the brain by stimulating activity on the non-dominant side of the body. Increased hemispheric interaction creates brand new neural connections and enhances neuroplasticity. To do this, try doing some simple, easy, and mundane things today with your non-dominant hand. The awkwardness of this will cause your brain to stop its default mechanisms, pause, and pay more attention to this “new” situation. This is a ripe environment for stimulating learning neurotransmitters and creating more connections in the non-dominant hemisphere.

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