‘Laocoon Press’

Here and Not Here

herenot_thereGiven away to friends and others on the occasion of the poet’s 45th birthday.
Cover photo by Kai Sibley
37 pages January 17, 1999 45 copies

A Book of the Dead

bookofdeadCover photo by Kai Sibley; cover design by Sarah Chesnutt
18 pages May 2, 1999 50 copies


this_laoPublished December 1, 1999
48 pages, 50 copies

Anima Mirror

animamirrorGiven away for free to participants of a Surrealist Festival at Penny Lane.
30 pages December 1, 1999 50 copies.
Cover photo by Kai Sibley
Cover design by Mikell Yamada
41 pages October 11, 1999 50 copies

Melanchology: Collected Poems and Prose 2000

melanchology_lao76 pages January 17, 2001 47 copies
Given away for free to friends and others on the poet’s 47th birthday

Over Large Stars Collaborations with Katie Bowler

overlarge_starsOctober 1999-April 2000 May 2001
Cover design by Mikell Yamada

A Distant Landscape: The “Dream Language” Poems

distant_landscape_aMarch 1, 2002
23 pages, 24 copies

That the Work Is Shown: Screenplays to the Films of Stan Brakage, Volume I

March 1, 2002
104 pages, 24 copies

Dissolve: Screenplays to the Films of Stan Brakhage, Volume II

dissolve_volumeII_aApril 15, 2002
84 pages, 24 copies

Ashes and Sparks Amongst Mankind: Uncollected Writings 2001

ashes_and_sparks_aApril 15, 2002
86 pages, 24 copies