‘Laocoon Press’
Here and Not Here
Given away to friends and others on the occasion of the poet’s 45th birthday.
Cover photo by Kai Sibley
37 pages January 17, 1999 45 copies
A Book of the Dead
Cover photo by Kai Sibley; cover design by Sarah Chesnutt
18 pages May 2, 1999 50 copies
Anima Mirror
Given away for free to participants of a Surrealist Festival at Penny Lane.
30 pages December 1, 1999 50 copies.
Cover photo by Kai Sibley
Cover design by Mikell Yamada
41 pages October 11, 1999 50 copies
Melanchology: Collected Poems and Prose 2000
76 pages January 17, 2001 47 copies
Given away for free to friends and others on the poet’s 47th birthday
Over Large Stars Collaborations with Katie Bowler
October 1999-April 2000 May 2001
Cover design by Mikell Yamada
That the Work Is Shown: Screenplays to the Films of Stan Brakage, Volume I
March 1, 2002
104 pages, 24 copies