Friction Mag Vol. 1 NOs 2/3

friction_2_3“Documents from the Jack Kerouac Conference”

Winter 1982

Limited edition of 250


Interviews with: Ray Bremser, Carolyn Cassady, Diane di Prima, Allen Ginsberg, John Clellon Holmes, Jan Kerouac, Ken Kesey, Paul Krassner, Joanna McClure, Jack Micheline

Poetry by: Ted Berrigan, Ray Bremser, Clark Coolidge, Lawrence Ferlinghetti, John Clellon Holmes, Jack Micheline, Edie Kerouac Parker, Michael McClure, Peter Orlovsky, Abbie Hoffman, Judy Lief, Robert Frank, Joanna Lawrenson, Anne Waldman, David Rome, Walter Fordham, Chogyam Trungpa

Prose by: Diane di Prima, Allen Ginsberg, Gerald Nicosia, Gary Snyder, Stella Kerouac, William F. Buckley, Norman Podhoretz, Ed Sanders, Robert Creeley, Carolyn Cassady, John Clellon Holmes, Carl Solomon, Anne Waldman

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